Sir Mark Fehrs Haukohl Photography Collection

Sir Mark Fehrs Haukohl Photography Collection
181 records
The Sir Mark Fehrs Haukohl Photography Collection is a joint acquisition by LACMA and the Brooklyn Museum of more than 200 photographic works from the collection of Houston-based art collector and philanthropist Sir Mark Fehrs Haukohl. Consisting of works made post-2000 by women artists born or residing in Europe, the collection includes significant works by Yto Barrada, Uta Barth, Natalie Czech, Josephine Pryde, and Shirana Shahbazi. The generous gift will be supplemented over the next ten years by annual acquisitions of works consistent with the collection's original parameters that will augment and diversify LACMA and the Brooklyn Museum’s permanent holdings. The joint acquisition marks LACMA’s first long-term partnership with the Brooklyn Museum.
