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Series: Like Everyday
Inkjet print
20 1/8 × 20 in. (51.12 × 50.8 cm)
Purchased with funds provided by Homa and Nejat Sarshar (M.2016.3)
Not currently on public view

Curator Notes

As part of her focus on women, Shadi Ghadirian often comments on their contemporary condition, including their traditional role as homemakers as well as issues of dress....
As part of her focus on women, Shadi Ghadirian often comments on their contemporary condition, including their traditional role as homemakers as well as issues of dress. One such example is her Like Everyday series, which she created in response to the abundance of cooking utensils and gadgets she received after her marriage. Each image is composed like a passport photograph, with a square format and white background, and the sitter posed in a chador (a long, loose garment worn by women in Iran) while holding a household object (such as a dish glove, spatula, or iron) in front of her face. With their faces masked by traditional dress and household tools, Ghadirian captures and critiques the ways in which a woman’s identity is reduced to her role as a practitioner of limited domestic duties. Ghadirian lives and works in Tehran and received her Bachelor of Arts in photography from Azad University in 1998.


  • Komaroff, Linda, Stephanie Rouinfar, Sandra Williams, and Sarah Mostafa Ahmed. Women Defining Women in Contemporary Art of the Middle East and Beyond. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2023. https://archive.org/details/women-defining-women (accessed January 12, 2024).