Scene from the Martyrdom of St. Andrew( Saint Andrew, Brought by His Tormentors, Refuses to Worship the Pagan Gods)

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Scene from the Martyrdom of St. Andrew( Saint Andrew, Brought by His Tormentors, Refuses to Worship the Pagan Gods)

France, 1758
Oil on canvas
Canvas: 21 3/8 × 11 3/4 in. (54.29 × 29.85 cm) Frame: 22 × 13 × 2 in. (55.88 × 33.02 × 5.08 cm)
The Ciechanowiecki Collection, Gift of The Ahmanson Foundation (M.2000.179.19)
Not currently on public view


(Sale, Paris, Pierre Remy, 26 Mar. 1765, "Catalogue de dessins, tableaux, et estampes après le décès de M.


(Sale, Paris, Pierre Remy, 26 Mar. 1765, "Catalogue de dessins, tableaux, et estampes après le décès de M. Deshays," lot 105, as Saint André adorant la croix sur laquelle il doit être martyrisé, with possibly lot 107, sold for 49 livres 1 sol to); Abbé Gruel (or Gruelle). (Sale, Paris, Basan, 5 Nov. 1781, "Catalogue de tableaux, dessins et estampes des plus grands mais-tres des trois écoles italienne, flamande et française, provenans du cabinet de M.***," lot 44. One of two sketches sold as "The Martyrdoms of St. Lawrence and St. Andrew)." Marie Bigot de Graveron, Présidente de Bandeville (sale, Paris, Pierre Remy, 3 Dec. 1787, lot 62, sold for 46 livres 19 sols to);(1) "Glamont" (or "Hamont" or "Blamont"). Art market, Paris; Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki (1924–2015), London, by 1973, sold 2000 to; LACMA.


(1) The Bandeville sale lists a pair of paintings: "Deux Esquisses differément composées du Martyr de Saint André, Etudes faites pour les tableaux en grand qui sont à Saint André de Rouen; elles sont peintes sur toile & portent chaque 19 pouces et 6 lines de haut sur 10 pouces de large." It seems likely that the paintings were bought as a pair from the Deshays sale and kept together as a pair through at least this sale.



  • Lehmbeck, Leah, editor. Gifts of European Art from The Ahmanson Foundation. Vol. 2, French Painting and Sculpture. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2019.
  • Marandel, J. Patrice.  French oil sketches from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 17th century - 19th century.  Los Angeles:  The Ahmanson Foundation, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2002.