100 BOOTS in their Crash Pad
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100 BOOTS in their Crash Pad
Installation Art
Mixed media installation; including fifty-one picture postcards, one hundred rubber boots, wood door jamb, porcelain sink mounted on wall, mirror, lightbulb on electrical wire, mattress, sheets, blankets, radio, linoleum flooring, all in room painted "landlord green"
Installation: 96 x 144 x 144 in. (243.84 x 365.76 x 365.76 cm); Postcards: 4 1/2 x 7 in. (11.43 x 17.78 cm) each; Boots: 15 1/2" high X 12 1/2" long toe end to heel end and 3 1/4" wide at the heel. The boots are sizes 9 thru 12 and are unlined.
Purchased with funds provided by the Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation, the Modern and Contemporary Art Council, the Nathan B. Cooper Memorial Fund, Sherry and Michael Kramer, and David and Suzanne D. Booth (M.2000.55.1-.163)
Not currently on public view