Sodom and Gomorrah
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Sodom and Gomorrah
Alternate Title: Sodom und Gomorrah
Edition: From edition of 75 (total edition of 250)
Portfolio (orig. lang.): Zehn Holzschnitte zur Bibel
Portfolio (translation): Ten woodcuts on the Bible
Plate: plate 5
Germany, Munich, 1914Prints; woodcuts
Woodcut with blue, yellow, green, rose, and purple watercolor on thin Japan paper
Image: 5 1/2 x 6 3/8 in. (13.97 x 16.19 cm); Sheet: 6 9/16 x 7 1/4 in. (16.67 x 18.42 cm)
The Robert Gore Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies (M.82.288.288e)
Not currently on public view