Youth by the stove: still life

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Youth by the stove: still life

Alternate Title: Jünge am Ofen; Stilleben
no date
Black chalk on thin wove paper
8 1/2 x 5 3/16 in. (21.59 x 13.18 cm) combined
The Robert Gore Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies (M.82.288.305)
Not currently on public view


The artist (1886-1922). Hilda Ascher Allen (artist's sister-in-law, 1888-1966); [R.E....
The artist (1886-1922). Hilda Ascher Allen (artist's sister-in-law, 1888-1966); [R.E. Lewis, San Rafael, California]; sold in 1977 to Robert Gore Rifkind (1928-2019), Beverly Hills; given in 1982 to LACMA.
