Carved Door Lintel with Female in Moon Cartouche

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Carved Door Lintel with Female in Moon Cartouche

Mexico, Chiapas or Guatemala, Petén, Usumacinta River Valley, nearby Yaxchilán, Maya, 750–850 CE
Limestone with pigment
27 1/2 x 34 5/16 in. (69.85 x 87.00 cm)
Purchased with funds provided by the Shinji Shumekai Ancient Art Fund and Joan Palevsky (AC1992.76.1)
Not currently on public view


  • Labbé, Armand J. Religion, Art, and Iconography: Man and Cosmos in Prehispanic Mesoamerica. Santa Ana: Bowers Museum, 1982.
  • O'Neil, Megan E. Forces of Nature: Ancient Maya Arts from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Beijing Shi: Wen wu chu ban she, 2018.
  • Labbé, Armand J. Religion, Art, and Iconography: Man and Cosmos in Prehispanic Mesoamerica. Santa Ana: Bowers Museum, 1982.
  • O'Neil, Megan E. Forces of Nature: Ancient Maya Arts from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Beijing Shi: Wen wu chu ban she, 2018.
  • Chinchilla Mazariegos, Oswaldo, James A. Doyle, and Joanne Pillsbury, editors. Lives of the Gods: Divinity in Maya Art. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2022.
  • Los Angeles County Museum of Art.  New York: Thames and Hudson, 2003.