Recent Gifts of Art

Recent Gifts of Art
12 records
Located in the center of the creative capital of the world, LACMA is riding a wave of incredible momentum. Since 2007 the museum has acquired over 25,000 artworks from ancient to contemporary, with a series of collection-changing acquisitions. In fiscal year 2015, we had more than 1,000 outright gifts of art and concluded with an anniversary campaign that brought in more than $600 million dollars’ worth of art. Recently we have received extraordinary commitments of masterpieces across all areas of the museum, including the extraordinary Perenchio Collection of impressionist and post-impressionist paintings, along with masterpieces and monumental examples of minimalism, California light and space, American pop art, film and video art, self-taught African American art, French baroque and neo-classical painting, renaissance sculpture, and mid-century architecture.